Wednesday 4 January 2012




Are you hiding behind a mask?
by Jane Powell  
"Let the world know the real you."
Have you ever noticed how children love to dress up? They love the thrill of pretending to be a princess or a butterfly. What about you? Do you still play make-believe? Do people see you for who you are, or do they see something different?
Often, we make the choice, allowing only a select few (family or friends) to see the "real" us. With everyone else, we put on a mask so they see what we want them to see (especially if our self-confidence is low). They may see a happy face that actually hides a ton of pain or insecurities.
I want you to be your best. A good place to start is to acknowledge and embrace the real you. And proudly display it to the world.
Yes, for many it's hard because we don't want to get hurt, it's just easier to put up a front. But living this way, you bury the person you've always wanted to be. You owe it to yourself, your friends, and you family to not keep yourself under wraps. Today, ditch your old self-imposed costume for a new, better version…the real you!
"If you never emptied the trash in your home, there would soon be a fowl smell in
your home. It's the same with your mind. Your mind is the home of your thoughts.
If you don't release old thoughts, your life becomes bitter with stinkin' thinkin'
and emotional clutter.

Empty your mental and emotional trash can of any stressful or painful thoughts.
Each day you have the choice of living in a state of grumbling or gratitude.

Don't allow the irritations and challenges of this day or your past to steal your
joy. Holding on to toxic emotions is not healthy or productive. Your toxic emotions
can negatively impact your health, peace of mind, relationships and work. Just
as you empty your trash at home often, you have to do the same with your mind.

Count your blessings. Change your point view. Each moment is a gift to you.
Focus on your priority for this day. Do the best you can right now where are and
with what you have. It's only a matter of time before your change comes.

Start giving thanks right now for the wonderful break through about to happen in
your life. That's right ... smile...sit up straight...shake off the heavy stress,
speak and walk with courage.
Jewell Diamond Taylor
Thanks Marcella

The truth of who you are
The challenge of successful living is not in gaining access to life's abundance, for there is always plenty of it. The challenge is in recognizing that abundance and making it into things that are meaningful and fulfilling.
Just as a tiny seed has within it all the information necessary to grow a massive tree, so do you have within you the kernel of your own fulfillment. That fulfillment comes about when you are most authentically you.
You cannot deny your purpose in the name of success. For if there is no purpose behind the result, there is no success.
Feel the truth of who you are. Put that truth into action in each moment of your life.
You are highly skilled and experienced at taking action and making things happen. So choose to make those things happen that create and support what you value most.
Pay great and loving attention to who you are. Continually give your own unique treasure to life, and you'll experience life at its absolute best.
Ralph Marston

Dear Readers,
" Morning Coffee " is a labor of love and meant to be shared with others to spread encouragement and inspiration.
If you share, please be kind and give credit where credit is due and copy and paste or forward with Page Header and contact information included.
Thank you ,

" Morning Coffee"

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