Saturday 29 October 2011

~:C.C.4.U:~ IT'S TIME - Living in Abundance

Living in Abundance

Throughout history, many have questioned the passage to prosperity.  Some believe it to be the high road through the 'rat race' while others remain complacent believing it to be an impossible dream.  There is yet a third category that has redefined prosperity using divine principles to create a natural spiritual abundance.
Abundance is a state of consciousness, an overflowing fullness regardless of how little you may have. A small pot of soup can go a long way if there is the spirit of abundance, and yet a huge feast may not be enough if the spirit is dry.
To clearly understand and define the difference between the paucity and prosperity of spirit, one needs to reflect on one's thoughts and actions on a moment-by-moment basis.  With every 'poor me' or 'no-one loves me', I reinforce the wall blocking my prosperity.  I am only as 'poor' as I think/believe I am.  With a rich mind and an even richer asset of thoughts I could be a 'multimillionaire'.
Abundance therefore begins first within the mind as a single thought.  It is ignited by the flame of a passionate heart and actioned with love.  When all three are in alignment then life delivers all that is needed.  There is no lack and certainly no fear. 
Self respect and a sense of deserving plays a major role in igniting and sustaining abundance.  If you believe you are deserving, you will very quickly attract a lot of what you long for.  If however, your unworthiness overshadows your wants then you may be waiting forever!  As I get to know myself better through meditation my self worth increases and I start to believe in myself - "if not me, then who?"
Thoughts of scarcity only make one poorer and needier.  It is like the fire that burns up the well of water.  Even whilst having everything, there is an emptiness on every level – physical, emotional, social.
What is spiritual prosperity?  It is the knowledge that I have the inner power and inner qualities right here, at my disposal. I am not abandoned or alone.  Many a time when we feel powerless and relinquish our control, it is then that we have forgotten who we are – masters in our own right.  Does royalty ever forget its blue blood or pedigree?  As an eternal being of light, I have everything. I just have to re-member and reconnect to this wisdom.
Abundance does not mean having a hefty bank balance, although money can be an important part of abundance.  Abundance means giving your last morsel and trusting there will be enough for you.  Abundance means a big heart, a generosity of spirit; not counting or calculating. No measuring of love or respect.  I give because I have a mighty supply.
The sun simply shines, it needs nothing back.  Likewise, we are naturally abundant beings.  It doesn't matter what circumstances of life we may find ourselves in, there is no excuse for not sharing.
The easy way to manifest abundance in your life is to create a vision first of the life you want and then to water that vision daily with powerful, positive, pure thoughts of love and attention.
An open mind creates a bountiful spirit. Have no reservations, no judgments.  Imagine a world where everyone is full. No-one needy and thirsty for love and attention; oh what a wonderful world that would be!
It's time… to live in abundance. Everything you need is right here, right now, inside of you.  And you have such an enormous supply of virtues, powers and qualities in your soul, that you can share them profusely without fearing they will ever run dry!  You are as rich as you believe yourself to be.  So take a moment, look inside and you will be in awe of your inner wealth – you deserve this moment!
Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.
Wayne Dyer


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