<>_<>Panda Puppies<>_<>
Panda Puppies!
Seems a new trend has EXPLODED
In China's upper class where people are
Transforming their pets into miniature version of
Animals, fairies or dying them crazy colors.
Pandas seem to be a big hit and obviously their
Favorite. It's become a huge industry and
People are spending THOUSANDS of dollars
In professional hair dye, salon cuts, clothing,
Accessories, you name it!
All I can say is O M G…. Poor dogs…
In China's upper class where people are
Transforming their pets into miniature version of
Animals, fairies or dying them crazy colors.
Pandas seem to be a big hit and obviously their
Favorite. It's become a huge industry and
People are spending THOUSANDS of dollars
In professional hair dye, salon cuts, clothing,
Accessories, you name it!
All I can say is O M G…. Poor dogs…
I wonder how much food the Salvation Army
Could buy with the grooming fees
Could buy with the grooming fees
Used just on those in photos above?

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